Colorado Service Area

Katie Clark is available for in-office visits in the Littleton, Colorado area in her home office. If you can get to her office, she can see you! She is available on a case-by-case basis within 10 minutes of 80123 but primarily sees clients

Jennifer Knotwell is available at home within 20 miles of 80123 and 80465 for no travel fee and within 60 miles of these areas for a travel fee.

Shelby Powell is available within 30 miles of Colorado Springs for in home visits, and she also has an in-home office.

In-person consults typically require a 24-hour notice and are available Monday-Friday. We are sometimes available for same-day visits, please text the number below or email before booking if this is the case for you.

Virtual consults are available much quicker and worldwide. If anyone is sick, we ask that a virtual consult be scheduled.

Phone number: 720-463-4016
Email: [email protected]